E-Book: Your Smart Guide

You dream of a holiday home under the Spanish sun, but the adventure scares you and you have a number of questions.

You can now download our Smart Guide guide.

Your ultimate guide, chock full of information that helps you on your way.

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Read all about this in our brochure: The purchasing guide for you full of information

You start your search and you want to be well informed in advance. TOP!

In our Smart Guide / Purchasing Guide you can also find a lot of e-books that you can download for free.

What can you find in our guide?

  • All information about your Spanish lawyer and how he works
  • Step by step plan
  • Your financial plan, how do you proceed.
  • What about the real estate offer and brokers? How do they work?
  • Fake news
  • Found your dream home, what now?
  • and much more!

E-Book: Your Smart Guide

The best start in your search for a Spanish home.
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